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A Quaint Could Have Been

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Started a QB finding myself as German infantry and the AI as the French. As I approach this small French village at dusk I hear the faint sounds of music. Now I wear headphones when I play so as not to disturb anyone. But I can distinctly hear the strains of "The Bear Went Over The Mountain" (French drinking song) as if played on a concertina along with the ambient sounds of wind as I am planning my advance to the town. Now as my squads sneak forward I hear the French National Anthem! again played on that concertina. How can this be? I think. Could this have actually been modeled in the game? This is great, the French are in a Bistro and I am sneaking up on them. I take off my headphones. Nothing. Put them back on, its the French National Anthem again and my men are getting closer to town. I am intent on plotting my next move when I realize I am listening to the notes of "Strangers In The Night". Ok! not quite a song of the 40's. I get up and go into the kitchen. There's my teenage daughter with her new cell phone, playing all the built in tunes!

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Hi Michael,

Yes he did. Thanks. I reminded him to thank you. But I think he has been distracted. In the last month he has landed a great job, found a new place to live and bought his first new car.

When he gets his computer running I am going to send him the CMBO Demo. Wonder if he will ever play Ambush again.

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