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Hi everyone.

I am just wondering how I best use my sharpshooter.

I try to hide the in covered places, and only shoot enemy high commands.

They are always detected thoug, and eliminated.

Any tips on how to use them more efficintly in combat mission


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First, don't try to move the sharpshooter or target him manually - let him take the shots he thinks he can make. This makes it more difficult to spot him.

Also, if you do target the enemy, try to target open topped tanks or unbuttoned tanks without nearby infantry. If you nail a tank commander (or force him to button up), the odds of the tank discovering your position (unless infantry is nearby) is around zero.

I generally like to use the sharpshooters as scouts. They can generally get very close to the enemy without being detected, and can give very good information as to the enemy's location and composition.

Matt Hyra developed a scenario to teach how to use a sharpshooter as a scout. 109Gustav has posted it on his website -

The Last Defense - here.

Just my $0.02 worth.


[ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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