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Sherman in Western Europe

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

Presumably the Renault FT 17 was good enough to fight in France: what's your point??

I would have thought that it was obvious. You said they were only good for parades, and I pointed out that they were used in the successful invasion of France.

Ive read the Panzer 1s were not as good as the French tanks, but if they are in the rear areas, shooting up the supply trains and capturing Paris...

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

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Originally posted by Terence:

I would have thought that it was obvious. You said they were only good for parades, and I pointed out that they were used in the successful invasion of France.

My bicycle is only good for riding on a road, but that in itself does not stop me from attempting to cross a muddy field with it. The Mk1 was a flimsy structure with two machine guns which barely survived a gentle road trip to annexe Austria let alone anything else.

Ive read the Panzer 1s were not as good as the French tanks, but if they are in the rear areas, shooting up the supply trains and capturing Paris...

That's one use for a Mk1 in 1940, certainly. Might take a few bullets to get rid of a train though.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

If I have offended your sense of decency and tranquility in suggesting that perhaps a Mk1 is slightly out of depth in a 1940 Panzer Division I sincerely apologise.

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

If I have offended your sense of decency and tranquility in suggesting that perhaps a Mk1 is slightly out of depth in a 1940 Panzer Division I sincerely apologise.

If you actually _had_ suggested that, i wouldn't have bothered posting. What you said was the tanks were only good for parades.

While they were originally intended to be just for training and they certainly were far from being state of the art, they ACTUALLY took part in a real invasion (on the winning side), so merely parading was not the extent of their use, and my sense of self worth was proufoundly wounded and I was shaken to the core by your bold assertion otherwise.

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