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How the hell do 4 guys fit into a Stuart?

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There's pages of the interiors of the M3 and M5 stuarts here http://www.kithobbyist.com/AFVInteriors/archive.html


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Seriously, what was the seating arrangement? It seems like the turret was only big enough for one person, two tops. Where were the gunner, loader, and TC positioned?

Last fall, Sept '00, I took a trip to Ft Knox, Ky.. to tour the Patton Museum. While there I had the opportunity to clamber upon and crawl inside an M3A3 Stuart in storage at one of the museums workshops. I'm 5'6" and 130lbs and it was a squeeze for me. I could move all through the fighting compartment but had to do so slowly and carefully to avoid banging my 'noggin. This vehicle was about 95% complete in terms of instruments and fittings but had no crew gear, ammo, etc. as a fully fitted out afv ready for action would have been. My main thoughts at the time, besides the thrill of actually touching a piece of history, was " Man, would I hate to have to bail out of this can in a hurry! " Gave me a bit more appreciation for the guys who actually had to take this tank into combat. Very humbling.

Best regards,

E. Tuggle

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Oh yea, don't know if you've beento the web site listed above yet, but the M3/M5 family of light tanks had 4 man crews. Commander, gunner, driver, co-driver/bow mg gunner. the commander doubled as a loader for the 37mm main gun. frown.gif


E. Tuggle


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