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The Bridgeheads


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I had taken a hiatus from gaming for a while, and just recently picked up CMBB, after truly enjoying CMBO a while back. I have noticed some strange behavior and wanted to find out if is a feature of CMBB, and if so, how to work with it (specifically in regards to the scenario I mentioned in the subject line).

Spoilers follow, so feel free to stop reading if you have not played this scenario.

I have attempted to play this scenario as the Soviets multiple times now. Every time, I seem to get slaughtered. I attempted to take four of my six platoons, locate them on the ridgeline by CONTACT and later SNEAK, have them provide covering fire, and send two platoons towards one of the two objectives (I have tried each, but I only go for one at a time) under that covering fire.

Unfortunately, as soon as my troops pop their heads over the ridge, two HMGs open up on them and they drop, and start SNEAKing *towards* the woods just in front of the Germans in cover.

Prior to the next turn I tell the men to hold their ground and fire, but after one shot they go to ground again and start sneaking toward the enemy.

So, instead of setting up on the ridgeline and pouring suppressing fire into enemy positions, or sneaking back a few meters into cover, the troops crawl mindlessly to their deaths.

Any attempt to rush the positions ends up in a nice trail of eliminated units heading towards them.

Am I doing something wrong? How do I keep my units from crawling blindly to their deaths? Should I be rushing towards the center of the map and the cover the woods provide, under fire of both HMG's?

I have searched regarding this and found messages over a year old, which seem to indicate some sort of debate happened, so I am curious as to what the outcome was of that debate.



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The discussion that you encountered from your searches were probably based upon some of the issues with troops sneaking for cover. This issue was heavily discussed after the release of CMBB.

If I remember correctly, the issue was addressed through the first patch 1.01. If you have not already done so, I would recommend downloading at least that patch (and the others as well) and see if that corrects your over sneaking troops.

For a gameplay recommendation, I would say definitely use covering area fire. Area fire is far more important to taking a potential hostile position in CMBB than it was in CMBO. Remember, MGs are nasty now, and you need to keep the foes' heads down....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I won a tactical victory as the russians smile.gif The trick is placement, place all your forces at the right flank and human wave them with the officers following quite a bit to the rear.. they overwhelm the german positions... then reorganize and advance your troops through the woods and roll up the german left flank... works everytime unless the machinegunners get lucky...

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