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OPS: Abandoning damaged AFV's between battles?

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I am playing the "Misfits at Wiltz" Operation pbem. Towards the end of the 2nd battle (turn 9 of 10) I had a Priest get its gun damaged by artillery. On the next turn I backed him up out of danger, hoping the gun maybe would get repaired later in the Op. Instead, when the 3rd battle started i found my poor Priest abandoned. I've only played 4 or 5 ops all the way through, not enough to know if this is something that happens or should happen at all. I'm not sure why the crew would abandon it in between battles. Is this normal or just a case of "**** happens"?



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this is normal (in game terms). Main-gun damaged and immobilized tanks are abandoned between battles.

I know how you feel about it - I had a frustrating experience in the VB - operation where two of my Tigers had main gun damages but still would have been very useful (and extremely needed) as mobile machine gun bunkers...



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Yes, I have had the same problem with different OP's. There is one, I can't remember the title, where the weather condition is muddy. Playing as the defending Germans, I managed to eliminate 3 or 4 Shermans that I never even laid LOS on! Apparently, they got immobilized due to the muddy terrain, and were abandoned between scenarios. I can only guess at this because I lost one of my armoured cars the same way.


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surly bonds of earth...."

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