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Replaying the entire game

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I know a lot of people have wanted to replay all the video from an entire game, but the current system does not allow this. However, there is a way of doing it...sort of.

Ambrosia software makes a screen capture program (SnapzPro) that can also capture movement, and save it as a Quicktime movie. This means that at the end of each turn you can capture the entire playback and save it. Once you have all of the turns saved you can use Quicktime pro to merge them into a single movie.

There are some fairly severe caveats:

1) this will take up a LOT of disk space

2)the movies are not interactive in the way the CM playbacks are. Once you have captured something in SnapzPro, you cannot change the view. If you wish to view a sequence from different angles, close up etc, then you have to make a separate movie for each view. This will quickly increase the size of the final movie

3)The quality of the movies is not as good as the CM playback: typically you will only be able to record at about 10fps.

4)For periods where there is little happening you are probably best off using the fast-forward

I have tried this at a very simple level for just three turns of a meeting engagement and have a movie of three Shermans meeting a King Tiger and a Panther on an open field, with predictable results.

Despite the problems, I imagine someone who is really interested, and is willing to invest time in shooting and editing, could get some fairly good results

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