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Victory Flag Locations

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Hoping some of you experienced scenario/operation designers can help. I would like to know if there is a way of inserting victory flag locations into an operation.

I know that the advance,assault and destroy options during setup determine victory by taking into account of speed, distance covered or casualties caused but it would suit my needs if I could place a specific value on a piece of real estate within the area of operations.

In essence, I want the holding or capture of a town after a series of battles to determine victory and see the placing of victory flags in the town as the obvious solution.

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I've had the same problem in designing operations. I've wanted real estate fought over for 8 battles but can't seem to get Advance or Assault victory conditions to work out.

What I've done is demand a "manual" set of victory conditions - ie after the last battle, you use the map feature to determine the number of men listed OK, and the number of said men. Not an elegant solution, but I don't think there is another way around the victory conditions set in the Operation.

Or perhaps we're just using them incorrectly?

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