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Adding a "Rarity Factor " to QBs in CM2?

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A while ago somebody mentioned that Squad Leader (which I never played) had a dice roll for rarity factor in force selection. What about carrying that idea into CM2, and providing an optional random rarity factor component for force selection in QBs? If you got the most favorable rarity factor number you could buy King Tigers or Pershings--otherwise not. Other units would be graded in depending on comparative rarity. Each player could have a separate rarity roll; one result might be different from the either. Presumably the opponent wouldn't know what your rarity number was--though that might also be optional

The rarity factor could be set to control either availability of unit types (e.g. KTs) or quantity/combination of units (e.g. no more "30 HTs but no tanks" because that's a 0 rarity factor). If you set a rarity factor on that, you could, at your option, rule out a lot of weird random unit selections.

I think the rarity factor should be optional because sometimes players might deliberately WANT to have a battle of rare ubertanks.

I'm trying to canvass interest in this. If it looks like there's a consensus in favor, we could go to BTS with it. I apologize if this has been raised before--search isn't working for me lately.

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BTS announced that for CM2 they will be considering doing a rarity purchase. BTS has discussed this in the past. However, with the search running slow, I can understand your frustration with the search.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

A while ago somebody mentioned that Squad Leader (which I never played) had a dice roll for rarity factor in force selection. What about carrying that idea into CM2, and providing an optional random rarity factor component for force selection in QBs? If you got the most favorable rarity factor number you could buy King Tigers or Pershings--otherwise not. Other units would be graded in depending on comparative rarity. Each player could have a separate rarity roll; one result might be different from the either. Presumably the opponent wouldn't know what your rarity number was--though that might also be optional

The rarity factor could be set to control either availability of unit types (e.g. KTs) or quantity/combination of units (e.g. no more "30 HTs but no tanks" because that's a 0 rarity factor). If you set a rarity factor on that, you could, at your option, rule out a lot of weird random unit selections.

I think the rarity factor should be optional because sometimes players might deliberately WANT to have a battle of rare ubertanks.

I'm trying to canvass interest in this. If it looks like there's a consensus in favor, we could go to BTS with it. I apologize if this has been raised before--search isn't working for me lately.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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I used to play WW2 figure games using rules published by Wargames Research Group (WRG) from het UK. They had a system there whereby any heavy tanks in excess of the number of medium tanks, or any later/upgunned models (of any weight) in excess of the number of the previous version (while it was still in service) cost you douoble points.

this was fairly crude, so a few years ago we devised a more complex system whereby every vehicle was graded as common, uncommon, rare or extremely rare. The rating might change - eg Sherman 76's and Fireflys start as rare at D-Day, but become uncommon by 45, and 76's become common by early 45.

You were always allowed 1 vehicle of any grade at teh nominal cost provided no other vehicles weer fielded at al (so allowing a single KV-1 on the crossroads scenario), otherwise you paid extra if you exceeded the required ratio of common to everything else.

Uncommon vehicles counted as 2 common ones, rare as 4 and extremely rare as 10, and the number of common vehicles had to equal or be greater than the number of "common vehicle equivalents" as represented by uncommon and rarer ones.

Price of any excess was doubled (a fraction of a vehicle = 1 vehicle for this), but you got to choose which vehicles you paid extra for, so you always chose the cheapest.

Something like this could probably be done dynamically in CM.

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That's fine and dandy for multiplayer games but NOT single player quick battles. Granted, such a system will probably be more historically accurate, but if I am playing a single-player game and I want a legion of King Tigers then I don't want anything telling me I can't (other than purchase points). The rarity factor should be an option and not a requirement except maybe in multiplayer games in which both sides agree.

CM2 should remain flexible. I am not saying the rarity factor is a bad idea. I think something like it is necessary to cure the so-called uber-tank problem. Just let it be an option.

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The rarity factor should be an option and not a requirement except maybe in multiplayer games in which both sides agree.

CM2 should remain flexible. I am not saying the rarity factor is a bad idea. I think something like it is necessary to cure the so-called uber-tank problem. Just let it be an option.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did in fact suggest it should be an option rather than a requirement for the very reason you cite: "I think the rarity factor should be optional because sometimes players might deliberately WANT to have a battle of rare ubertanks."

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