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simultaneous attack and defend scenarios - any exist?

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I was thinking about designing a scenario in which BOTH players begin the game with a VL flag already in their possession. I would probably place each flag near the border of each players setup area and no-mans land. This would force both players to attack their opponents flag AND defend their flag at the same time. I think this would lead to some original and interesting game play.

I have never seen a scenario like this so I was wondering how original this idea is. Has anyone seen or experimented with a scenario like this?

I would be interested in hearing any ideas or feedback you guys might have on this idea.

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: George-III ]

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Not original. Although I'm not sure if there are any scenarios out there, I designed a huge map with 2 rivers dividing the map into 3rds. I put 2 big flags in each setup zone and 2 small flags in the middle. That way, to gain a clear advantage in flags, you had defend yours against a river crossing at any number of bridges/fords along the river and attack his at the same time. I made it 75 turns long with light fog.

I still have the map as a matter of fact. The object is to have a 3rd party buy your forces. In the one battle I fought on it, we chose 7500 points apiece. I HIGHLY recommend battles of this type. Much more interesting than your standard meeting engagements.

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