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AXIS players beware: Corporal Mace carries a big 'ol bowie

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This one's for you, Mace...true story.

Got a veteran M3A1 halftrack in an auto-pick QB who goes by the name Corporal Mace, right? So I figure "Oh man, I better keep this guy hiding way in the back here out of trouble."

Well, my infantry gets into a really evenly-matched close-quarters blood fest in the deep woods near the flags, 2 vs. 2 platoons. I think I have a slight edge but am not completely sure, and if I lose the fight, I probably lose the game. Even though there's a Panzer lurking around up there, I figure I need to gamble on Corporal Mace getting involved.

So I send him up behind the enemy HQ and sure enough, the Panzer is already coming down the hill and proceeds to blow the M3 into scrap metal. Mace and his partner hop out into the forest and take cover...the third crew man is dead.

The corporal sizes up the situation and realizes he must act, for if he doesn't, he may soon be surrounded by angry Germans. The very next turn, he recovers from his panic and start putting pistol slugs into some SS Rifle Squaddie's back, freaking him out.

The rest of my boys start to make progress and the enemy begins to route. Now Mace's target is under fire from four different directions and decides enough is enough. He sprints for the rear of the trees and as he passes by, Corporal Mace stabs the bastard good! Thuk, thok! Two more squad members are left after that, but they are cut down as soon as they break into the open.

I guess Corporal Mace was packing his own insurance down on his ankle, because his stats only showed "2 pistols"!

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Man...that sure is cool! I remeber one of the deciding reasons for me to look into CMBO further was William Trotter's description of how a crew from an abandoned tank actually found the offending tank crew and proceeded to kill them with pistols in close quarters (obviously v. 1.05 or earlier). God I love this game!

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This belongs in the hero's corner on CMHQ. wink.gif


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Did I forget to mention Corporal Pierce? He gets a commendation too, but no ticket home. His talents are still needed on future combat missions. wink.gif

Pierce took out the offending Panzer with his bazooka on the following turn. Then he turned his attention to the SPW/7 that had just crashed the party, and dispatched him one minute later with the classic "Burn, you mother!!" war cry.

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