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ambush markers limit??

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i can't figure out any other reason for this, but i haven't found anymore information on the subject. Is there a limit to how many ambush markers can be on the map in a turn? I had a problem where i could layout no new ambush markers, no matter what unit i picked, zook, tank whatever; they all gave area target red lines instead of ambush green with marker, clear day, line of site all were good. the next turn, all the un aimed at markers disappeared and i could then lay down a new ambush marker. hope that makes sense

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Yes, there is a limit to the number of ambush markers you can have at once. I don't know what that limit is, but it's higher than you need in most CM battles, although lower than you need a in few huge ones with contact all along the front at once like Sherbrooke Fusiliers.



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