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New command required

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A new command needed apart from withdraw. I was caught badly in a scenario, I had Brit Inf and opponent had gebirgjaegers both sides met in heavy trees, I had about 9 squads he had 4/5 squads, after 1 turn I knew I couldn't slug it out with him, because of his superior firepower, but how does one withdraw in good order, cant use withdraw command, squads would break or panic, at least staying and fihting would inflict casualities on him, at the expense of a majority of my squads ( maybe all). Either way it not a good result. A new command, tactical withdrawal or a fighting withdrawal is needed. I hope its not outside CM ability. In this type of withdrawal squads disengage firefight in good order, executing a sort of an overwatch except in reverse. elements giving covering fire as other elements withdraw and should reduce casualities. BTS can it be done? what do other gamers think? do need a command like this or is there already an ablity to do somethig like it?


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Guest Scott Clinton

I don't think this is needed at all.

I think what you need to do is just use the commands available, in shorter increments. I.E. short runs, sneaks away from the enemy then rotate to face (and fire at them)...over and over until you are 'withdrawn'.

A withdraw in the face of the enemy is without a doubt the single most difficult maneuver to pull off, but the orders available in CM are sufficient.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 01-12-2001).]

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I have used the withdraw command with experienced men and have noticed that the squads sometimes start the next turn in good order and without the indication that they have already been broken.

Do some tests, you'll find that the withdraw command can be quite effective in doing what you're trying to do.


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Actually, I think use of the withdraw command marks a certain level of experience with CM.

As Peterk says, squads will not necessarily break when you have them withdraw. I don't know what the specifics are as far as the model goes, but if my squads are regulars are better, I don't hesitate to have them withdraw when warranted. I've had good luck withdrawing units without breaking, but that's because I make sure my squads are under their HQ's control before and after they withdraw.

In a recent QB, I was attacking and one of my forward squads had just taken a two-story building when my opponent unleashed artillery. I immediately initiated an orderly withdrawal and lost only one casualty. I'm certain I would've lost the better part of a platoon had I not withdrawn. Over the next turn or two, that platoon moved past the building and into the woods, leading my attack.

So, when attacking, don't assume that you can only go forward....And don't forget there are aspects of even an orderly withdrawal that can be exploited by your enemy, so use it judiciously.

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Quite Well said Sbg2112. Yeah today I was play a blind scenario with someone in a Tcp\ip game. It was a sort of ME we had about equal forces, I might have had maybe one extra platoon. I did great, took a good stretch of woods with a sizeable chunk of troops, took out a platoon. Then his Stug reinforcements showed up and started nailing the woods, I pulled my men back and had a few rout cuz they were in a bad postion, but they were able to rally in a resonable amount of time and I brought my Inf AT weps up, He brought his Stugs close with his inf to attack and I prompty killed his tanks. Point is CMBO allows you to most of the time to bring yourself into a bad situation, and also bring yourself into a good situation. You obviously put yourself in a bad spot. It happens even to the very best. Charles and Steve probably try to put each other in the worst possible spots all the time.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Johnson-<THC>- (edited 01-13-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

I agree with Scott - the function you assign to this command can be carried out by a combo of available commands, and whether you can do that well or not tells something about your skill-level (I am really bad at it BTW). If you are bad, that means you have to learn more about the game.

With the same reasoning, I could ask for a 'assault' command in which your units perform a perfect FM attack, because I am either unable or do not want the hassle of doing it myself.

It is at the sharp end that the good players are divided from the bad players in CM.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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