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Wolf's High Contrast Mod

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Does anyone have Wolf's High Contrast Grass Mod, or know where I can find it? If so, please reply. They took it off combatmission.com before I could download it. If its not too much trouble, mail it to me at ragnaar15@hotmail.com. Much Thanks!

--Wrong! Conan, what is truly good in life?

To crush your enemy, to see him driven before you, and to laugh at the lamentation of his women!

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(copy from earlier post)


I've finally been able to put my mod for download to you people.

It's my easy-to-see-elevation grass/snow-mod. v.2 It's the final version unless I'll get some feedback from you to make it better.

Screenshots (old):



Go ahead and try it!

Some features:

-Very easy to see terrain elevation. Great for thinking tactics. It really helps.

-Looks good with DD's woods and stuff.

-Lo-res, runs smoothly on lo-end machines, but it looks great!


I'm very suprised and disappointed that my mod was many months in CMHQ's untested mods area and then gone.. frown.gif But I'm happy to say that I have another (probably better) host. But until it appears there for download, you have to use my ftp. It should work without problems, MANY people have already downloaded my mod from there. smile.gif

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The ftp site just has the hi-contrast version. Where is the low-contrast version. I looked at MadMatts, didn't see them.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

The ftp site just has the hi-contrast version. Where is the low-contrast version. I looked at MadMatts, didn't see them.

Well, I decided to dumb the low-contrast version as my intention was to make something different than one more ordinary mod.

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Aw, and I thought it looked good. Who's wheat are you using in that hi-contract pic? Is that Tigers wheat? I like that tone for summer, like to see what it looks like close up.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-18-2001).]

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