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Pbem players : show the movie of your best or worst move

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Is this situation familiar to you ? You just clicked the "send " button of your e-mail software and your next move is on the way to your opponent .Nothing can be done now ! No matter how long it will takes your opponent to reply , it will always be a long , exiting ,nail biter wait.

Latter on...There it is : incoming e-mail ... A glance... DavTig_US16.txt : your opponent's move !

With a blend of hope and fear you save the file in your Pbem folder...you hesitate a bit , enter the password and there it is : everything still looks like at the end of the last turn ...except that the Play button is red and waiting for you. During the next 60 seconds you cannot do nothing , just watch !! Your Panzerscreck aim the Hellcat , fire and miss ...Rapid and frightening rotation of the Hellcat turret ...He is smelling your Panzerschreck...Dam why is this F**** G turret turning so fast ? Too late ! Your second missile hit the Target....Hellcat Kaput... Again and again you will hit the playback button for the pleasure to see the missile going out of the Panzerfaust.

The excitement of such cool moves could be shared with other gamers if one or more CM sites open a kind of : " The Coolest Pbem Movies " section and permit players to upload their best text files movies ( with the password , the version and maybe a small text explaining the plot of the movie ). Pbem players may post their coolest moves , coolest victory or bitter defeat, deadliest ambush and moves that turned a defeat into a victory or a victory into a humiliating defeat .

It could be , not only fun but above all an enlightening experience and a good source of learning .Players may find some inspiration for the next move of their present game or discuss with more experienced player about their move !

The purpose is to show only one or two movies of a game and not some long AAR with 20 movies of a full game.

Is there any CM site ready to open such a section ?

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I thought of this idea myself a while back. Not only would it be great FUN, but a learning experience as well. It was always fun to check out the movies on the Combat Mission HQ site, but this would be different. One or two files of PURE action! Not to mention that new players could watch how an "old hand" crosses a defended bridge, or takes out a tank with infantry squad. The thing that would make this much different from downloading an entire battle is just that one movie. In many (but not all PBEMs) there is just that one or two movie files that are incredible! Either it’s an accidental knee-slapper, turn of tactical genius, or terrible tearjerker. Here we would have it all, and it could be categorized.

The only problem that I can think of is with passwords. I would have to wait until I finish all of my PBEM games, and change my password for all the new PBEMs. I’ve been using the same password for a while now. If I upload a movie, one of my opponents could do something really nasty with one of our existing games. Although I only see this as a minor problem, I just thought throw it in for the hell of it.



"I don't need my junkie friends all knockin' at my door. I just wanna do an old time waltz with a buxom Irish whore!"

-Shane MacGowan

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Originally posted by Head Mahone:

The only problem that I can think of is with passwords. ... I’ve been using the same password for a while now.

The problem is that you let people know that you use the same password...

If you show movies from a single game nobody will know that it's the same password for all your other games. (Although some cheaty persons might try to use it...)



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What I would like is...

A site where you could upload your moves into. Simple so far, right?

What I want next is to be able to view the moves via a browser. (Certainly not at work though, no no no smile.gif )

I do not know programming so I have no clue how this would work.

Perhaps a little program that converts the movie-file into mpg-format.

You would probably be restricted to one view though...

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