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Advanced spotting modifiers for future CMs

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Something that could be considered when deciding if a target is spotted is the area around it. Here I'm not talking about a targets's background.

Suppose you have a sniper in a single building in a field. Wouldn't that sniper be easier to spot than if there were ten other buildings around it?

I was playing DOD in the valley map as a sniper. On the axis side, you can hide in the valley in the open near a wall. When the allied player comes over the ridge, my immediate position is hard to spot even if I have no concealment ,(other than the shaded edge). Point being is that I'm prone in a huge valley. The allied player's eyes will not pick me up because he is confronted with the whole valley at once. It's a type of information overload I guess.

So getting back to CM, a sniper in a single forest square should be easier to spot than a sniper in a forest square that has many forest squares attached to it. When a players troopers hear a shot, they have more likely places to scan therefore making the target harder to spot.

This is a what if neato suggestion. Hope no one gets overly upset with a "NEVER GONNA HAPPEN" remark.

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