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Anyone else notice problem with BOW MG?

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Why is it that when a vehicle equipped with a BOW MG, and a turret, they quit firing the BOW weapon at the enemy in front of the vehicle when the turret traverses towards another target? I think they should add another tracer line coming from the BOW, I mean the gunner is still there right? Or does he take a smoke break until the turret swings back around. I dont know how many times my tanks were "retired from service" by a bazooka team that was in front when the turret swung to engage a bigger threat. Help! Maybe I am seeing things or "not" seeing things, but either the BOW quits shooting or they get REALLY bad shots.

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Actually, it will split its fire unless you give it a specific target order. If you specify a target, the tank will normally fire all its guns (main and MG) at the target you choose. Though I've also seen it spray infantry that is close by even after receiving a specific target order. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

If its main target is infantry, a tank is more likely to use all its guns on that target because it can kill/supress the infantry with both the main gun and MGs. Though if other enemy inf gets too close, it may turn one of its MGs on them too.

If its target is an enemy tank, it's more likely to split off one of its MGs to spray inf while still using the main gun and coax to try to tackle the enemy tank. Though if you manually target an enemy tank between turns, it will turn all of its attention to that threat, atleast initially. If the tank duel last for a few shots, your tank may then break off one MG to deal with other threats. Atleast that's how it seems to work to me.

BTW, if a tank is hull down, it can't use the bow MG at all. Starting with patch 1.12, the LOS tool indicates whether a bow MG is blocked or not due to the tank being hull down.

- Chris

[This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 03-10-2001).]

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Thanks for your ideas on the bow MG, I understand what your saying. I have the 1.12 update but I never see a second tracer coming out the front of the tank. It usually happens when the vehicle is out in the open with nothing blocking it. I hear machine guns sounds but nothing comes out of the front and the enemy becomes un-pinned.

Very odd....maybe I just have easily jammed guns.

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