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Weird Stuff Happens...but all in one scenario?

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Really weird stuff can happen in CM. Sometimes it all happens in a single scenario, as in a huge Allied assault on a city scenario I’m currently playing (vs. AI). It’s so big in terms of both map and forces that there’s time and space for a lot of strange stuff to happen—and I’m only on move 33 of 50+ moves. I’ll name the scenario soon, after a spoiler warning. For now, I’m going to list some of this weird stuff, then ask you for some of your examples.

1. On one flank, at the start of the game, I suspect some AT guns in a field in front of me so I set up two mortar teams behind a house with a platoon commander on the 2nd floor to spot and send a squad of infantry out to scout. Sure enough, they spot two AT guns in the field—ripe targets for those mortars. But one Axis gun overshoots the inf and hits my building, knocking out both mortars hiding 10 meters behind it (the teams are unhurt, but both mortars destroyed!) Curses! That must have been some big gun! (I later knock it out with off board arty and many turns later get close enough with inf to learn it’s a 150mm field gun.)

2. A few moves later, two Panthers are stalking my other flank. I’ve got a Sherm76 sitting behind some trees with a narrow LOS through a small break in the woods that’s in a perfect position to plug them from the side. Another Sherm76 is moving up to support. Meanwhile, I’m sneaking some zooks into the woods for backup. My first Sherm76 kills the lead Panther with a flank shot. The trailing Panther is dumbly moving into position to also get waxed from the flank. But then a panzerfaust team pops up out of hiding and kills my ambushing Sherm, just as it is about to kill the Panther. Some infantry kills the faust team, but then my supporting Sherm 76 moves up and, before it can swing it’s turret around, it is killed by the alerted Panther. All this in one move. If the first Sherm 76 had lived, both Panthers would be dead and both Sherms would be alive today! (Later the Panther is nailed in the tail by a zook when it incautiously turns to chase some infantry on the extreme flank.)

3. A Priest fires at some infantry in a building very nearby (10-15 m) and the Priest is killed by its own backblast—it lists itself as a kill. The enemy infantry seems unhurt, though a 2nd Priest comes up and takes them out…from a safer distance.

4. I’m closing in on the tail of an 88mm Pillbox after killing from the rear a supporting 88mm Pillbox in overwatch—after some very hard fighting to get to this position. These mutually supporting pillboxes are the key to the whole defense of the town and must be taken out before the assault can proceed. Meanwhile, I’ve got a zook team hiding in a light building just in front of the still living 88 pillbox, where they’ve been for several moves, and a Sherm Jumbo hiding behind the building. I’m just leaving them there, figuring why risk a frontal assault when I’m about to kill the pillbox from the rear. But even as its back door is being hammered down by tank rounds, the 88 pillbox decides to finally knock down my building to its front. It causes one casualty to my zook team but, worse, now has clear LOS on my Jumbo, which it proceeds to kill frontally with a short range 88 shell just before finally being killed in the rear.

5. Shooting at 500 mm across a valley from hillside hulldown positions, a Marder & Sherman trade several misses then kill each other with simultaneous shots.

6. A Sherm76+ is engaged in a flanking attack on a hulldown immobilized King Tiger near the center of the board. The Sherm76+ , having worked through the hostile and now ruined city, pops out from behind a building on the flank at about 100mm but can’t get line of sight. Creeps up to 50 mm on the next turn. Still no LOS. Finally, I say, OK we’ll have to run up right behind the KT and hope it can’t traverse fast enough to get us. The Sherm76 swerves right onto the tail of the KT as its turret slowly traverse. The Sherm fires at point blank range (10mm?). Turret penetration but no damage. KT engages, fires—shot bounces off the Sherm at 10 mm! Sherm fires again, this time a kill! But how did the Sherm survive that 88 round from 10mm? I conclude in retrospect that the immobilized KT must have been “dug in” at the start of the game—that’s why I couldn’t get LOS except from right on top of it. But it also meant I was firing down from a steep angle—so my armor’s presenting itself at a steep angle, too. That, plus the extra thickness of the Sherm+ probably saved me.

Anyway, a fair amount of weird stuff for one scenario? What’s you’re weird stuff?

Anyone else have a particularly weird scenario?

In case you’re interested in trying this rather wacky & intense scenario (fictional) I’ll list it’s name below, after a spoiler warning. I don’t think I’ve divulged any crucial info here, but some people might want to come on the scenario perfectly fresh. If so, please ignore the info below.
























The scenario is Assault on Chenauxville. A word of warning—it’s huge. It's a fictional scenario of an American assault against an SS Divisional HQ in a fictional city. Probably best played as Americans against AI. Might make a good PBEM game, if you’ve got the time and energy.

UPDATE: I'd offered to email the scenario but just found the website in the Scenario Database. It's http://hgdonline.com/cm/Index.htm.

So you can download it directly

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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