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help with email problem

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I'm posting this here since It's a problem related to exchange of pbems, and not technically a CM problem. The Problem is my opponent keeps trying to send me the next turn, but his message is coming in 2 parts. The first message will simply have an attachment that says part1, and the second email will say part2. The problem is I don't know how to reunite the 2 parts so as to be able to download the turn. I've sent and received numerous turns with this opponent before, without this problem. He can even send an old turn to me with no problem, just not the current one. I have no clue what is going on. Someone please help, I'm going through CM withdrawal!!! :eek:

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Is the file especially large (ie a movie file from a large battle)? Maybe his email client is splitting the file for some reason. He could try archiving the file as a zip file or something similar. Whenever I have had file reading problems with funny clients that has solved the problem.

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