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Unit Price Changes in CMBB

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We've seen a lot of threads where people name off additions or changes they'd like in CMBB but no one's talked about certain units costing too much or too little so I thought I'd start this thread just for that.

My first gripe is that the flamethrower units costs a little too much. I think both the German and the Allied teams should cost around 30 points and each team should get 9 shots. (I never did understand why the Allies only got 6)

If the Allies actually did carry less fuel in reality then how about lowering the Allied cost of a team down to 25 or so to compensate for the lack of ammo.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>no one's talked about certain units costing too much or too little <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As you undoubtedly know, the real lethality value of a unit depends on terrain, objective, what is supporting it and what it's up against. It's context dependent. So in some situations you get more than your points worth for a unit, in others you get less. Also, if you play skillfully you boost the value of your troops. To my mind, these factors override any worries about a few points being off here or there.

Take the Axis trick of using hordes of conscript SMG squads, for instance. If the Allies take correspondingly much artillery (their strong point) it's goodbye conscripts.

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