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Abandoned Tank still rolling in next Op battle

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OK, maybe this is normal but again it is a first for me. I had a Sherman with a gun damaged in the last turn of a battle in an Operation. Next battle, the Sherman shows up as abandoned in my setup. Proceed to movie phase to watch the first replay, and the damn thing is rolling forward from its last position, then it stops! Did the guys jump out in between battles and I just see it come to a stop like when it is normally knocked out on the move? I'll say this, it scared the heck out of my opponent and I thought Gen'l Sherman's ghost was in there driving that thing when the movie started. biggrin.gif


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It is quite normal....I have been using Hellcat's in on of the OPs lately....I few turns ago the computer had a Tiger sitting in the woods next to a road. Well with my Hellcat sitting just over a small hill on that same road i gave the order to go all out as fast as possible down that road and back while trying to distract the tiger with some infantry. Well needless to say the Tiger watched the infantry with it's machine guns blaring and tracked the hellcat the entire way down the road. BOOM Hellcat Bye bye!! But funnily it kept cruising in full blaze right down the road and crashed into some woods....Momentum my friend ain't it quirky..


"D-Day was a nightmare. Even now it brings pain to recall what happened there on June 6, 1944. I have returned many times to honor the valiant men who died on that beach. They should never be forgotten. Nor should those who lived to carry the day by the slimmest of margins. Every man who set foot on Omaha Beach that day was a hero."

General Omar Bradley-

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