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Greenhorn Briefing

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Finally caved in and bought CM, the wait is killing me. Anyway, using this time to peruse some sites and such. I noticed that there are all sorts of mods and add-ons of all types. I was wondering which one of these were must-haves, or would really add to the game, especially the graphic mods. Or should i just jump into it fresh out of the box, and worry about any add-ons lately? Would appreciate any info. Thanks

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It really is a matter of taste. I am sure you are awear of Matt's web site. He has a lot of the MOD's there and most of them have a picture so you can see what you are getting.

Personaly I just pick up vehicle and or infantry mods as they strike my fancy.

For Terrain I Love DD's MOD's

For houses and buildings I am using Panzertruppens.

Just browse around there and see what you like.

Welcome to CM



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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