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Gamey or not ?

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Mate and me , frequently play PBEMs'. One of the topics that came up for discussion was the use of artillery.

The current PBEM game I am playing the AXIS assaulting a town. This is where the artillery subject came up . Is it gamey for him to start bombarding suspected routes of approach for my forces ? His query was , how would the allies know of a suspected assault and realistically be able start the artillery strikes.

I mean its obvious from a player point of view I am attacking , due to the agreed format of the PBEM. I am not too fussed about it , as I said perhaps Air Recon or intelligence sources revealed German assault plans .

I would be interested in what the rest of you think.

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Well to utilize the same kind of argument in return.. isn't it gamey that you can't use patrols to warn you of an impendiing attack?

Honestly I detest this idea of "gaminess" this IS a game smile.gif

There are so many things that just simply cannot be modelled no matter HOW GOOD the game. Every concievable possibililty cannot be taken into account when ya play.

If you choose to use your arty that way its up to you IMO... I personally wouldn't do that as arty is too inaccurate :P... That is why I rarely use it smile.gif

I can understand some things being frowned upon especially if it is a major grey area in a game, but there is a point that things become abit rediculous.

Have him think about it this way.. if you bought mines and placed them in suspected lanes of attack is that gamey?...

I mean when did ya know to put the mines there? Isnt it gamey that the defender will never have to use these routes of attack? Isnt it gamey that we dont know the exact places that these roads go and that we don't need them to move our supplies? The "gaminess" mentality never ends IMO, when ya solve one issue another is brought up, and the board shows that this is true.

Hehe off my soapbox tongue.gif

Just have fun with the game, whats good for the goose as they say smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-05-2001).]

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