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Game Time?

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How long does a normal scenario take to complete? I have been playing smaller scenarios and I never have enough time to

complete them so the save feature is great.

I guess the question is how long does a "normal" turn take for you to complete? I probably spend about 10 minutes for setup in

smaller scenarios and then about 5 minutes for the original orders phase. The next orders phases typically don't take as long as many units will be continuing prior orders.

Movie playback review time usually takes about 3 minutes on average. So I probably average about 4 minutes per turn. Any comments?


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I take about the same amount of time, maybe a little shorter. Whatever works for you is the right length.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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I take much, much longer for moves, especially in the early going. If everything is going according to plan, or during the resolution of a multi-minute firefight, the turns will be faster - the speed you mentioned or less. But when figuring out where everybody is going to go, I can easily spend 30 minutes a move - and sometimes as long as you take on a move, on the playback LOL.

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Guest Michael emrys

I'm like Jason. Thirty minutes per turn is about average for a small (a company-sized force) QB for me. Set-up may take twice as long. I may spend 5-10 minutes reviewing the playback if there's a lot going on.

But I've always been a slow, deliberate player. One reason I never felt comfortable with RTS.


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It all depends on how anal you are. Get down at level one to walk the path of each company you move, and an hour a turn at multiple company level is doing pretty good. Move you Battalion as one big unit using drop and drag select, and you can do a turn a minute on a fast machine.

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