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mummy wheres my combat mission!?

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Originally posted by Maximus:

No comment. But what do you all call a dead bandaged Egyptian Pharoah? A mummy? If so, don't you think it's a little strange?

The correct term is "mother" so the nickname is "mom" or "mommy". Not "mum" or "mummy".

Maximus, children in Europe pronouce their "O"s as "U"s because of all the carbon dioxide and crap that the USA puts in the air smile.gif

"Mommy" is something which American kids with pudding-bowl haircuts say.

Also, "Mother" is pronounced "Muv-va" more or less, not "Maww-va" and so by even your blinkered view of the world, Mum is slightly more accurate.

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Guest Madmatt

As I read this thread the term LOSERS comes to mind... wink.gif

Wolfcub, email me your name and address if the parcel (see I used that English term there) by the end of the week and I will check our records for you. Orders to England can take up to and sometimes a bit over 3 weeks to arrive.


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 04-03-2001).]

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I can't believe the hits this thread has received. tongue.gif

Hello Mother


"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds" - Samuel Adams

[This message has been edited by CJMello (edited 04-03-2001).]

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Actually, my CM just arrived today, I live in Southern Ontario, Canada, the order was processed on March the 28th, and BAM I received it today! SIX BUSINESS DAYS! I'm still shaking,....I have the CD in my hand right now, and I'm about to install it! I read the whole entire 180-page manual in just over two hours, my god, it's been an extremely long FOUR months!

Thank you everything!


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