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Sturmkompanies in CM

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Question: What does the Sturmkompanie in CM actually represent? Is it an ad hoc force, thrown together from various units to form an instant reserve, or a specifically trained organization used in high priority missions? A search brought up this thread, with a very interesting exchange between JasonC and Abbott’s “respectable source” (Fionn?):


And these two quotes in particular:

“The Strumkompanie was part of a larger battalion formation specifically tasked for assaults. In Normandy/Cherbourg there was a distinct Sturm battalion that counter attacked the paratroopers in St. Mere Eglise. It was definitely not an ad hoc unit. They were issued a high percentage of automatic weapons”

“Sturmkompanien AS CM models them are Army assets. Each German Army

had 1 Sturm Battalion attached. These were organised along identical

lines in different theatres etc and were the hard core of an Army's

attacking force ( along with the usual organic Tiger Abteilung).”

The reason for my question is due to a recent QB game I finished, in which I was given a Sturmkompanie, along with other units. The problem was they all were conscripts. Now, if the Sturmkopanie in CM is an ad hoc force then this would make sense. But if CM models them as quoted above then I see a problem. That is, you cannot have a unit that is “the hard core of an army’s attacking force”(i.e. highly trained) and also be of conscript quality. IOW, there is a level of training required to make a Sturmkompanie, just like German para and mountain troops.

So, which is it? Anyone know for sure?

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]

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"I really doubt you'll find any definite answers, as they existed in both forms."

Quite possible. But either way I still see his objection to "conscripts" as valid. When formed out of a larger unit, they didn't pick out the shmoes, but men more likely to perform well in an attack. So I agree, it shouldn't be conscript. Even green is stretching it, if you ask me. I'd think they'd be regular and up, and commonly veteran. But at any rate, the "no conscript" floor already exists for other infantry types, and I'd think it would be at least as applicable to these guys, either way.

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