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Originally posted by Kingfish:


Has anyone ever recieved a Gebirgsjager unit in a computer selected QB? I don't think I ever had, and I have played my fair share of QBs.

I got a platoon just once in a QB...it turned out to be a pretty fun battle since my other units were 3 shrecks a flamethrower HT and a Stug. The allies were infantry heavy with 6 HTs so it went pretty well. My shrecks were knocking out HTs left and right, and my flamethrower was lighting all cover on fire as fast as possible. I split my squads up and obliterated the rush when it came. A team of Gebirgsjager still has a pretty good amount of firepower...especially when your opponant is forced to run through pretty much open fields to get to you. smile.gif


Go thou, and fill another room in hell.

[This message has been edited by Wolfpack (edited 02-24-2001).]

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