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I read the manual but...

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Read the section on creating scenarios. I understand the difference between static and dynamic objectives. Manual says the attacker will decide which one they take. I created a scenario and the dynamic obj was there but how and when do you pick? All I get the first turn is one flag that shows my nationality flag and one that says bogus? How do I pick and why is it in my control from the start?

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: wiltaz69 ]

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Not sure about the control issue; how close are your troops to the flag at the start?

To designate your objective, pick your highest-ranking officer in Setup (should be unit A-0, probably a company or battalion HQ) and open the orders menu. I don't remember the exact name of the order, but there's something like "Pick Flag" on the list. Select that order and click the flag you want to go for.

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