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Custom modding!

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Hi all!

I've been reading a lot of requests for terrain mods to include batch file support in order to facilitate switching between mods. I thought I'd post this short string to show how I've made some seasons/buildings specific batch files. This may seem more difficult than it really is!

You need to download and install PKUNZIP command line for this to work. go to: http://www.pkware.com/shareware/pkzipc40.html

1. Copy the bitmaps you want to a .zip file with an appropriate name. (use all or just some of the buildings by the artist you're making the file for. ie. maguas two story buildings and PZ truppens one story buildings) make sure you have all the bitmaps though, ie. all the houses.

2. make a corresponding .zip file for the optional building (maguas buildings or some kind of mix)

3. Open a text program and copy/paste the following:

PKZIPC -ext -over=all c:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx\xxxxx.zip c:\xxxxx\xxxxx\bmp

4. Change the xxxxx parts so that they correspond to the name of your directories and .zip file. delete the unessasary ones

5. Rename the ".txt" file you've saved in CMBO root folder to ".bat"

6. make a shortcut to the ".bat" file the same way you did for Marco's sherman mods.

7. Place the shortcut somewhere in the CMBO start-menu folder.

8. repeat for additional building mods.



I've done this for several terrain mods that I've put togheter according to seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter, with a clear and an overcast section for each. If I play a winter scenario with overcast sky I just click the winter/overcast shortcut and I'm off.


Using this system allows you to alter the contents of the .zip file at will, leaving you with plenty of room to experiment. Takes som HDD space though, unless you delete the originals, but still saves you space in the CMBOBMP folder.




Visit http://home.c2i.net/bebenum for som tips on(flight)sim immersion hardware :)

[This message has been edited by bebbetufs (edited 03-20-2001).]

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