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Situation Vacant

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Now that Old Dog is retired from CM, I need a dedicated test person. (Never realised how much I depended on you until I had to do without, Bob.)

I need a CM mod fanatic who:

* Can generate and post scenic preview pictures

* is comfortable installing multiple textures by hand

* understands and uses CMMOS ( especially the rulesets, for debugging )

* can receive 5-8Mb emails, AND forward them

* will check any textures received promptly, and respond with helpful criticism

* is groggy enough to help spot detail flaws

* doesn't mind waiting a week or two, then being hit with files for days in a row

* is going to stay with CM for the long haul

Warning: you will inevitably get hit with the mod overflow from Gordon too. This is a not insignificant consideration.

I know I've had a few offers in the past, but unfortunately I lost all my old emails in the Great PC Meltdown, so I apologise to anyone who feels slighted.

If you are interested, please respond ONLY by Email. People responding in this thread will disqualify themselves automatically for being unable to follow directions... tongue.gif



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