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One day at a time

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Hello, my name is Captain Wacky...and I'm a CM mod addict! (uncontrollable sobbing ensues with devastating admission)

I would like you all to know that Captain Wacky went off mods cold turkey at 11:57 pm Eastern US time, and I can honestly say that in just one day I feel better (and look better!) than I ever have in my life. After years of delicious, satisfying hi-res mods and after trying to switch to filtered low-res, I am kicking the habit for good!

Already the wrinkles which had begun to appear under my eyes and around my mouth from long hours of mod searching late at night have receeded. My poor hands are recovering nicely, after so many months of clicking, cutting, and pasting .bmps into that horrid folder. My lungs are improving already as Im spending more time outside in the fresh air and less behind the computer. My hacking cough and olive-drab colored phlegm have gone! My breath is no longer so offensive, as I actually have time to leave my computer and brush my teeth :D See? aren'y they nice white, no more subdued-off white crap for me! And I never realized how much my habit was costing me! My bills are plummeting along with my time online downloading.

But its not all peaches and cream :( . The early morning cravings are the worst. When I sit down and boot up for the first time I can feel the monster whispering in my ear again "Just one little taste," he says, "What harm can come of that?" Its almost unbearable. I can almost see those delicious skins and hear those crisp sounds when I close my eyes.

My mind drifts back to the day I first tried mods. All I wanted to do was to fit in! They were great! It was a little hard to get used to at first, but ALL my friends were doing it, so I figured, why not me? But to my dismay, the rush did not last. Each time I had to go further and further in puruit of satisfaction. When once one mod would fulfill me for a week, I was up to 3-4 a day!!

After all so long of abusing myself I decided it was time to think of myself and my family. What if something were to happen to me becuase of my addiction? So have begun chewing gum as a way to get my mind off the cravings. Its tough going, but im gonna kick this habit if it kills me.

So to all of you mod sluts out there I offer hope and support. We have the power within ourselves to once again take control of our lives, to take them back from the faceless individuals who sit behind computers thousands of miles away and pray upon our weakness for their own greed of prestige. Say it with me now: I HAVE THE POWER! Thats right! I HAVE THE POWER!! Again! I HAVE THE POWER!!!

So get up, get off out of your chairs and get active. Oh sure, we may fall of the wagon occasionally, but I'll be damned if IM not gonna get up, dust myself off, and purge my hard drive once again of those devilish creations.

I hope any of you out there who suffer from this disease (And that's what it is, dont let anyone tell you otherwise!) will reach out and give your support to those around you. Remember: YOU HAVE THE POWER

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

I would like you all to know that Captain Wacky went off mods cold turkey at 11:57 pm Eastern US time, and I can honestly say that in just one day I feel better (and look better!) than I ever have in my life. After years of delicious, satisfying hi-res mods and after trying to switch to filtered low-res, I am kicking the habit for good!


Thats a shame...you won't be wantin' this latest German Uniform pack thats just been released then...will you?

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