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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doktor Zook:

Ive heard many stories of U.S. Rangers and have not foung them in the allied unit list. should i be looking closer or are Ranger attacks a difftent level of combat and are not modled in Combat Mission<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I believe they are indeed one of the things defined as out of the scope of the game.

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I believe the rationale for omitting Rangers as a unit type is that they simply weren't engaged in all that many actions. Although they were present in nearly every amphibious operation in the Med and ETO, that seems to be the most they did.


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As mentioned, they are not modeled in CM.

If you want to simulate them, I'd suggest using paratroop squads, but knock out 2 of the LMG teams. As to quality, I'd suggest veteran or crack to reflect the higher level of training. Granted, some Rangers did join in on earlier British raids, but not all who hit Omaha Beach or Le Pointe du Hoc on D-Day had the combat experience to warrant "elite" status.

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I would tend to agree with moriarty on most parts although Rangers saw extensive action in the Meditaranian particularly Italy and Two Battalions (2nd and the 5th)saw extensive action at Omaha. The 5th Ranger Battalion fought in the Battle of the Bulge and Hurtegen Forest. By this time they had seen much action. If you read about their actions at Omaha Beach you could clearly see that they would be best modeled as a minimum Crack units preferably airborne.

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I don't know enough about Ranger TO/E to say for sure, but using American infantry at crack or elite level should do it. I think they used the same gear as line infantry, but were highly trained and selected for Ranger duty because of their agressive nature and leadership qualities.

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They were also used in selected land battles, usually as a sort of fire brigade. For example, in the Hurtgen Forest battles, a ranger company (part of a battallion) was used to seize Hill 400, the final objective for the Allied forces. The Rangers suffered 90% casualties in that action, IIRC.

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