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BTS: graphics request for CMBB: seperate bmps for KIA Infantry

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The trouble started when some people, namely Fieldmarshall, Echo, deanco, Stacheldraht, Rommel22, Mord and yourself, became upset that anyone should present a counterargument to their desire for more explicit graphics<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For the record, I never said I wanted to see more explicit graphics in the game, nor have I been upset by this thread or people arguing in opposition to points I've raised. My discussing an issue or espousing a point or view doesn't necessarily mean I approve of it or believe it, btw.

I am disappointed, though, by the tone that some posters adopt in this forum, making this a frequently inhospitable environment, particularly for newbies or those just voicing a dreamy "what if...." I'd genuinely love to see more people involved in CM and wargaming, but some people in the CM community can take a very heavy-handed and insulting approach towards those who voice opinions they dislike or voice them in a manner they find untenable or inappropriate.


Btw, there's in interesting column by William Trotter in the latest PC Gamer about the idea of increasing wargame realism by factoring (un)acceptable casualty counts into final scores, something real leaders deal with on political, practical, and moral grounds, particularly when the media are watching.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Jeff Heidman wrote:

I'm sorry, I guess my "sarcasm" was a little too sophisticated for you, so I will spell it out:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or maybe at that point you didn't care to construct a proper argument, but preferred to make smart-alec comments which wouldn't provoke an argumentative response – playing to the gallery as usual. Anyway, glad to see you making the effort at last.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Every objection you made based on "realism" or gore can as easily be made against the current model. Every single one. The current "dead guy" model is just as much "eye-candy" as a dead guy model with a bullet hole in him. Your entire argument is predicated upon the idea that any graphical improvement that does not impart a greater level of information about the game itself is unnecessary.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How convenient of you to reshape your argument, as the original version has now been rendered obsolete. Unfortunately for you, mine does not follow suit. As I mentioned earlier, in your sarcastic zeal, you fail to appreciate that this is a matter of degrees, not a simple black-and-white issue of what should or should not be in the game.

I have never argued that graphics are unnecessary to the game, as your first post to this thread would suggest. I do, however, recall you making very similar sarcastic remarks in a previous thread, again simply ignoring the issue and distorting my argument for attempted comic effect. My argument, in that case and this, is not that uninformative graphics are unnecessary, but that graphics designed in the pursuit of 'immersiveness' at the expense of accuracy are undesirable.

The current 'dead body' is logical because it is a fitting means of conveying otherwise unavailable information to the player. The proposed 'blood', or in the previous case, damage to tanks, would be a very complex undertaking if it were not to be misleading. Embellishing a dead soldier with bullet-holes, or a knocked-out tank with charred paintwork, is pure fanciful 'eye-candy' with no basis in the underlying game engine, and moreover, it presents a misleading impression of what has happened to the unit in question.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That arguemtn would apply as well (or rather, not as well) if the current standard was my perviously mentioned generic marker that was not a dead guy lying on the ground. In fact, I am absolutely CERTAIN that if the current standard was anything other than what it is, you and Slap would be vociferously defending THAT as the perfect balance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are apparently more certain of my own tendencies than I am, which well demonstrates the alternative realities you create for youself.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I have NEVER said that anyone who defends BTS is a sycophant, that would be inane since I have defended them time and again. Of course, you guys ignore that because it does not fit into your pat version of reality your selfless devotion of yourselves to facing off the hoards of ingnorant 14 year olds trying to turn CM into a cross between Army Men and Close Combat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is possibly the most hypocritical statement I have heard from you yet, but that isn't saying much. I am amazed that you should claim that I personify you as a stalwart anti-BTS protester, which I do not, whilst simultaenously personifying me as a stalwart pro-BTS protester. This latter trait is the very thing which I have always found objectionable about your arguments; every time you enter an argument with me, your opening swing is to accuse me of arguing in support of CM solely because it is CM. Now you are supporting your sweeping accusations with the claim that I accused you first – an assertion which is nothing but a fabrication of your own mind.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>See, I have this odd ability to actually recognize other peoples point of view and not polarize myself based on my opposition.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am quite aware of this, and have never contested such a claim. My problem is with your method of argument which, as I have said, invariably seems to involve directing the very accusations at the opposing party which you claim are being directed at you, instead of actually constructing a reasoned argument to address the issues which are being debated.

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Okay, our stance on depictions of dead bodies is reptty well established and we have no desire to change that. I will pass on the idea to make the Eliminated Unit graphic modable but since it uses the existing uniform style I seriously doubt that will make it in. As to the rest of the tons of this post, well its pretty irrelevant, a dull read and I am going to flex a little Admin muscle and close it all down as its all been hashed over before in some of the earlier dead body threads from last year.

G'day all...


"And the Death Clock ticks on...."

p.s. Don't bother asking, I won't explain that... ;)

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