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Ammo Usage

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Here's a thought for the eventual engine rewrite when (hopefully) SOP's will be introduced.

Ammo usage setting - conserve ammo, normal usage, flame anything that moves (not sure how useful that one would be...).

What got me thinking about this was how often my troops seem to run out of ammo during even normal length battles (with tacai doing the targeting). The way I see this working is that the unit would fire depending on the setting and the chance of doing actual damage to the enemy troops. This way you can have some guys only engage at short ranges (when chance of inflicting damage is greater). Of course, you could add variability in there to give some chance that they disregard orders (especially those finicky green troops.)

For what it's worth.


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What I'd like is a fire discipline setting that can be set by the %exposed of the target. As in, "only shoot if they step into the open", or earlier on in a battle "in scattered trees or worse". The real waste of ammo is the men blasting away at 100-250 meters at men in stone buildings and wooded foxholes. They don't have the ammo to waste on such hard targets, at medium ranges. It would be nice to be able to tell them to stop wasting ammo on such targets, while still remaining ready to fire if far more vunerable targets appear.

An SOP field that read "shoot only at more than n% exposed" - where the player types in n, or it is set in 10% increments e.g., would be great. Some might want the option to use the same sort of field but "under n meters range". Ideally you could set either or both, and set "or" or "and" between them. As in "only shoot if 20% cover or worse -and- under 150 meters", or "only shoot if 50% cover or worse -or- under 50 meters". Hey we can dream, can't we? TacOps has SOP fields almost that good, so we know it can be done.

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