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Printed maps/op graphics

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One quick thing to throw out here on this topic. The largest map available to a scenario designer in CM (which they recommend you not attempt)is approx. 5 square km. Take that into the real world (which CM is trying hard to replicate) and you'd be talking about a large circle on a map labeled something like "OBJ Lee". CM simulates the last few hundred meters of combat, gentlemen. Op graphics are used to control movement to ensure that everybody gets into position for the final attack on those last hundred meters. This game covers the combat responsibilities by the small unit leader. If, as a rifle platoon leader, I'd tried to sit down with my squad leaders and draw graphics on how I wanted to have them take the next stand of trees they would have laughed at me! If its really important to have control of whats going on. Arrange your units in tactical formations, study up on your favorite army's battle drills and then move forward and close with the enemy. That is what this game is designed to simulate and I think it does a bang up job of it!

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