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JPz IV, the Ugly Duckling

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Haven't been around for a couple of months, business and a chance for CM to mature a bit. Came back, and man, mods everywhere and version 1.05 plays real nice. What a rush.

One thing though. Playing a lot of scenarios I keep getting the JPz IV. With several tanks getting the hi-rez treatment, and some new camo, its a shame no one has addressed this eye sore. I wish I had the talent.

The JPz IV has a very ugly skin. Take a look at its rear, under carriage, etc. It really appears to be of a much lower standard than all the other stock skins in CM.

I certainly hope one of the gifted takes pity on this tank destroyer. It really is crying for help.

I'm so interested in seeing this ugly duckling prettied up that I'm willing to ($) ... send me email if your interested on working on this model and I'll tell you what I'm willing to do.

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Guest KwazyDog

Nice one Tiger.

Actually, Ive been meaning to do something with the old Jpz IV, as she is one of my favourites too. I have a part finished one on my drive, but she needs a few more hours yet before she will be complete. If I find the time before CM2, Ill finish it off. smile.gif

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