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Wargamer.com tries again... and fails!

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I was under the impression that after The Wargamer embarrassed themselves with the 6 month old review of CM that they would try harder and edit before they posted. Well, if you go over there now ( www.wargamer.com ), you'll find the following statement regarding the Gold Demo (which they just posted on 10 June):

"Battlefront has also released an updated demo. The new demo shows off improvements to the game system, but unfortunately contains the same two scenarios that the original demo had."

Looks like their N64 & DreamCast Editor drew the short straw and was handed the dreaded chore of reporting on CM.


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Well, in their defense, maybe Wargamer's just trying to show they belong with all other media organizations... they misinform, mislead, and make up information, just like the big networks and newspapers do smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>they misinform, mislead, and make up information, just like the big networks and newspapers do <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ouch. I tend to agree though I don't suspect much is malicious...just incompetent.

edit starts here:

Oh, god. I just followed that link to see the article for myself. They have an image there that was ripped from Jason Pipes' German Armed Forces in WWII site. I know this because it is the same one that Ryan Ross tried to use on his original cc3.gamestats site. This one has the JP watermark brushed out in the lower left. There was a huge stink about this one on both Pipes' board and Ryan's board.

Its the one with the SS guy and the MG42 in their CM section.

[This message has been edited by RMC (edited 06-12-2000).]

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They have currently corrected that erroneous

posting with the following:

"Three new screen shots were added. Battlefront has also released an updated demo. The new demo shows off improvements to the game system, contains two

scenarios, one scenario from the original demo and a new one. The new demo can be downloaded at Battlefront Demo Download. (Thanks John for correcting my earlier oversight on the new demo.)


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