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Panther G drives thru walls

Guest Captitalistdoginchina

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi Guys,

I was quite astonished to watch my Panther G drive straight thru a brick wall in VoT.

Can that really happen? This is not a complaint - i am just curious to know whether this was possible in a real situation.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Short answer--yes. There is plenty of footage showing far less impressive vehicles (early Mk IV, for example) driving right through walls far stouter than brick. I should point out that the turret is reversed when doing this and that unless proper reconnaissance is done ahead of time, there is a real possibility of crashing through the floor if there's a basement.


John Kettler

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Guest Germanboy

Was that when it tried to get away from my grunts?

In earnest though - think 46tons moving at speed, and think about a stone-wall in the Cotswolds. I know where my money goes. If you talk about buildings, no problem at all, except for the slight difficulty with cellars that John pointed out. In free land, there might also be a nasty dip behind it, and you find yourself stuck. Ken Tout relates such a story from one of the lead tanks during Totalize.



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The issue of tanks in the basement has been carefully discussed on this forum ad nauseum. I for one am sick of slackass posterboys who make unsupported claims and fail to adequately search the topic before inflicting their infantile drivel on the rest of us. Have a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP


Please note, due to a courtesy to MrPeng no smilies were used in the above rant, and since the degree of misunderstanding that has been occuring around here has increased, the above is a purely hypotheical test of the early rant system. Should this have been an actual rant you would have been given instructions on who to call.[ie for the satarically impaired, I just have too much time on my hands at work ( wink.gif) sorry


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Thanks for replies.


I wish my Panther could have advanced that far forward in our recent battle.....until my cissy AI surrendered me, my Panther G was about to rout your entire army single handed!!! Well, maybe next time.


In our battle my Panther G will advance that far forward in a relentless pursuit of your allied forces........The end is near for you my freind!

John Kettler,

Basement??? you mean....oh my god....Damn so thats where Jdmorse men are hiding - thanks for the tip, i'd better go check right away (insert artificial smilie)


"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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You made a fatal assumption before offering me your tepid beverage of silencing and your scathing denunciation--that I didn't know there were no basements in CM.

I did read those posts. What I was saying about the limitations of driving tanks into houses was based on real world limitations, not those in CM. There is a substantial difference between them.

I therefore suggest that you read my posts carefully next time before publicly blasting me in print. I'll gladly admit a mistake when I make one, but here you simply assumed I'd made one and unloaded a broadside on me.

Had this been an actual riposte, there'd be a smoldering hole replacing you.

Cave! (Latin meaning)

John Kettler

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