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Good Luck Stories

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Every stroke of bad luck is good luck for someone else. Well, at least in tank battles.

Case in point...

Just for kicks I decided to see if I could take out 8 King Tigers with 2 Jumbo 76s in a close quarters town battle. (Against the computer.)

Well, by circling around and sniping from behind I was able to take out 4 KTs and lost one of my Jumbos. But now I was trapped behind a building...

2 KTs around the corner of the building on the left and one KT on the right. I rotate to face the 2 on the left. But of course they just sit there and the one on the right comes around the corner. I figure I'm dead for sure. But he rolls right past me. (I was snug up against the wall.)

He stops 5 meters in front of me. Sweet hunk of good luck for me. Bad for him.

Any way, I eventually die but I did manage to kill 6 KTs with 2 Jumbo's. I considered it a good day.

I would like to hear your favorite good luck story.

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well Gronk nice of you to join us in this forum... and a mighty happy go lucky story I have...

just for kicks I was playing against a French man (I will leave his soiled name in secret) decided to have a happy go lucky TCP/IP game with menschy here (that be me) So Mensch desides lets screw over this French man and good... so I take Heer and lock this poor sap with Polish troops (not that I dont like polish troops I think they rock but he being french for sure never took polish) any how I throw in a fun factor lets make random Weather (otherwise known as always Thick Fog with menschys luck)

Yup you guessed it Thick Fog.. ho ho what fun.. so after swearing for some time, considering I bought three 20mm Flak guns.. damn and no transport... I kick my self in the butt.. boy this is fun I think well I got me a Hetzer and a Puma I'll wipe a nice big burn mark on this French Snail.! HA well it appears the Monsewer bought lots of things with tracks and wheels.. I manage to dispose of one tracked item off his list and a wheeled thingy. SSOOOOOO what does the BAGUETTE eating sap do calls in some crapy 100mm+ arty on his position and mine...I HAVE NEVER SEEN ARTY SO DAMN ACURATE IN THICK FOG.. but hey this is a happy go lucky game right MARCEL!!!!! he systematicly wipes out my units with his girlfriends Sexton blasting more and more breathing holes in my troops... so what does menschy have to show.. oh 20 troops ran off the FREEK'N map and the rest of the saps left on the map cower in feer.. watchining MARCELS! supp'ed up MG Carrier breaking new land speed records in THICK FOG!!!

well thats my happy go lucky story and I'm glad to share it with you...

PS DONT PLAY ANY FRENCH GUYS WITH THE HANDEL PAWBROON... he not nice... besides he's french.


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