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Air Support In CM1 & Beyond

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I set up a scenario with air support and it appeared (froma quick look)that there is no viusal representation of the aircraft dureing an air attack but only the audio and the damage that it causes. Is this correct?

If so, I would like to suggest that it would be cool to add aircraft visual imagery to a patch or CM 2.

Step 1 would be to incorporate a simulated gun camera. This would simply require scrolling the normal camera along the attacking aircraft's flight trajectory and adding some tracers and such. The camera scroll rate seems fast enough to support this. An aircraft traveling at 300kts would cover roughly 10km/min. The aircraft would then only require about 6-10 secs to fly across a typical map. The current fast camera slew rate seems able to support that fast of rate. Also, since an attacking aircraft would be typically diving toward a ground stabilized aimpoint (for strafing and/or bombing) the gun camera view would not need to scroll so fast as the forward looking view but would rather zoom in on the target until the aircraft pulls up. This could generate some really exciting imagery.

Step 2 would be to add a 3D rendered model of the support aircraf (as it goes whizzing by). The AAA fire tracers could also be shown.

Also, didn't the US airfroce instigate forward air controllers in WWII? If so, it might be a good idea to add a aircraft spotter that acts much like an artillery spotter only for aircraft.

Also, observation aircraft might be cool. I don't know if they were used a an air FAC in WWII for Close air support but it might be neat in a operation to have one battle be a air recce artillewry prep before the ground troops engage.

Finally, (just for fun!!!) a follow a shell/bomb camera view might be cool too for off board & aerial fire support. This camera mode is avialable in the SGI 3D naval game, Fighting Steel. It would be fun to be able to have a plot of land for rendered off board arty pieces, rendered aircraft for low, medium and bombing runs, or a 3d rendering of a ship for naval gunfire support and be able to see them fire and follow the shells in to the target. The terrain between the off board patch of terrain to the main ground gaming area could be the normal off map blank terrain. The only purpose in this other than just for fun is to give the gamer a sense of the distances involved in the off board fire.


March To The Sound Of The Guns

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