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Sound contact

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I was playing LD this morning as the Germans when i noticed something that didn't seem right to me. Allow me to explain...

During the set-up phase i concentrated the foot infantry and armor in the vicinity of the paved road. When the action phase began they moved as a group down the hill. I then noticed several sound contacts in the town and around the left hand objective house. This seemed odd to me and raised several questions in my mind...

1) How does a group of infantry moving along side of a Tiger and 2 Stugs hear something at least 500 meters away? I would assume the Tiger alone would be enough to drown out most sounds.

2) How much sound does a group of infantry hiding inside a house or in a foxhole make? I would think they'd want to be as invisible as possible, especially if they see a Tiger rolling down the road and all they have are rifles.

3) At what point does the AI consider a unit is heard? I understand the proximity of enemy units plays a part, as does the volume of sound from the friendly unit. But does it consider for instance, surrounding sounds, terrain, or weather conditions?

I understand this might be bug-related or a result of old Beta codes but i thought i'd ask anyways smile.gif

P.S. I used the search function, but with no results.

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I had an oppnent in CE one day that asked me where I was getting the "hordes" of German infantry was coming from. I had him engaged at "the Chokepoint" around the church and even had a couple squads and a shreck in the trees by the American ridge. Also had the better part of a platoon rush the building on the German right... My opponent saw all this, but he also spent half the game with a full platoon engaged with an infantry "sound contact" on the right map edge in the trees. He said that he poked his nose into the trees to scout the "sound contact" and it would move back a few yards. He ended up wasting most of that platoon's ammo and halfthe game wandering through the forest shoting at this sound contact until it just disappeared. HE was not happy in a way, but in another we were both impressed that the game could spoof us like that... Maybe he was shooting at squirrels?

OOps, almost forgot, I did ht have any troops in that area. Had some at the other end of the forest near the ceter of the board, but not right there on the edge.

[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 04-14-2000).]

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