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Battlefront and BTS, (yes there IS a difference :)

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Look! A smiley in the Subject! Mwuahah


I was thinking. BTS and Battlefront have shown their mettle and that they can handle releasing a 'big' game, (by that I mean, a game that is probably one of the biggest independent releases I've heard of).

Now, is anyone else going to rally to the Battlefront flag. At the moment there's TacOps, AoA, and CM here, well, I reckon some more wargamey types should pop up.

But first, I have to be honest, redesign the web pages! They need some big work.

Frankly, BTS, I bet you could get some one to do lots of design and updates for free with the simple offer of being involved with the beta 2+. And we're not talking getting punk kids messing around, I bet there's some web designers/builders out there who would be happy too see a great page done.

I mean, you guys have done so well so far, and I understand web pages are the last on your mind, but they're the first thing on any visitors mind, that's what they see! So, hmm well, I just wanna see Battlefront become the place I go to for all sorts of exciting indepdent products presented well with lots of info! I guess, a Portal, (yay! buzzword!), or even, a Vortal! (buzzier buzz word!)


Bla, open for discussion. To much coffee for me, mmmmm


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