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A moment of silence for a friend

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Dearly Beloved, we are here today ('cause you opened this post smile.gif )to pay homage and to remember our dear friend who has gone beyond. Combat Mission - Beta. He was removed from life support today (ie removed from my hard drive) his "final" combat mission completed.

Let us take a moment to consider the vagries and vissicitudes of life, how we come into the world only a half formed beta in our parents eyes, we struggle to find acceptance, achieve respect and only to find that our time in this mortal coil passes all too quickly. That we too are often shoved aside by muscular glitzy newcomers, that we in retospect become frumpy, neglected and ultimately cast aside for the new face in town. So too with CM Beta.

But in it's brief period of incandesence Oh how bright it shone. CMB transformed us, it touched our lives (just ask our wives wink.gif ) This simple game, this England (oops wrong eulogy) made us better people. For those of us who labored in the hexanognal hell of pbm (no email then me buckoos)know all to well how our hopes and dreams were SLOWLY dashed. Til CMB appeared. He was not always perfect (CoolColj notwithstanding) He had his faults, but what beta could engender 43,000 posts in 4,000+ threads? CM beta showed us the promised land. A grail to seek, that while it may ultimately elude us nonetheless shows us the land of milk and honey.

But grieve not for Combat Misson Beta, for from his loins has srung a new voice in the land, Gold, and ultimately Final! (and CM2, CM3 etc) for as the patriarchs of old he has spread his seed and found it good. CM Beta is no longer with us, but let us cherish his memory, partake of his joys (4 Shermans taken out by one StuGIII baby) and grieve not. For CM Beta shall always be in our hearts even if Combat Mission is on our hard drives. So console yourselves, he is in a better place an we are better for having this brief time in this mortal world. But his legacy lives on in us. Combat Mission Beta created a COMMUNITY. What greater gift and could any other beta do as much? Ahhhhh, Combat Mission, we hardly knew ya.

I invite you to approach the pulpit and share any thoughts or tributes on Beta and what he meant to you.

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