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When to fight, when to run?

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In every war game I have ever played, I have always been the allies and therefore have always been on the offensive. However, CM now has the ability for the Germans to attack, forcing me into having to learn some good defensive tactics.

Well, I know the basics, set ambushes when possible, keep men hidden as long as possible so that they can get a good kill ratio when the enemy closes within range, using foxholes, buildings, and elevation to your advantage, etc.

However, my one main problem is that I am having trouble figuring out when to stand and when to run. When I say "time to run" I mean leaving early enough so that you have enough men to fall back and setup a new, effective defensive position (as opposed to waiting until my men have been so chewed up that they fall back...and keep running away). At the same time, I don't want to leave TOO EARLY. No point in leaving an effective defensive position if you don't need to.

I guess I have a tough time figuring out if my guys are holding well, or whether they are on the verge of breaking and fleeing. Just trying to find the "perfect" time to withdraw and re-setup.

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Select a given unit and you can see incoming (yellow) fire and outgoing fire (orange). Simply put, if you have more incoming than outgoing it may be an indication that you are being out gunned. If this is the case, you should consider withdrawing your units, one unit at a time (I like to use the Crawl command), while your other units provide cover fire and smoke, if available. Of course if the **** really hits the fan, the use the WITHDRAW command to bug out quickly. Another point to make is always keep your men in command control with leaders. Units out of command control break easier and take longer to move, which might be long enough to cost you the unit.

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Guest Mortiis

My answer is basically the same as Kieth's if I notice most of my men are pinned and I dont have any reserves to throw into the fight I try my best to relocate. If you still have mortars with smoke use it to cover your retreat.

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Listen to Kenny Rogers "Greatest Hits" Track #11. You'll know when to walk away, and know when to run.....

Damn - hit the post button too fast. I have this problem myself. From my experience, having some of my teams crawl away usually makes cannon fodder of the remaining teams, even with support from mortars. I hate that.



[This message has been edited by CrapGame (edited 08-23-2000).]

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I did have some excellent results on a defense recently pulling back units, who were affected by the dreaded ! as well as units that simply had run out of ammo. But I had plannned way ahead, placed my units in a position a bit forward of the flags, with the intention of inflicting maximum casualties, then falling back to make a last stand at the actual flag areas.

As mentioned, smoke is good, keeping units in Command is always always good. Veteran and above units seem to do OKish if out of CC, but anything below that can get really bad really fast. I also used the tactic of having my flamethrower teams AE ignite the foilage in front of my position right before I began pulling out. Another thing I tried to do is leave a couple veteran squads with a HQ to lay covering fire while the others moved back.

And again as above, helps if you have a general plan/hope of the progress of the battle beforehand, and know already on Turn 1 where you are going to relocate to if things go bad, he tries to flank etc.

Im no expert but these things have worked for me as a newer player.


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