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Pop Shots

Guest John Maragoudakis

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Can a squad be given an order to take pop shots even if accuracy is decreased?

I saw this vietnam documentary where US soldiers were raising thier rifles to fire over a wall. They weren't even looking. I'm talking about having your squad shooting in the general direction of the enemy, hoping to get a pin result at most and maybe a hit if lucky. Employing a squad in this manner might be a good distraction technique. Shooting and scooting, harrasing and disorientating but not decisively engaging. Other squads would be used for more effective contact.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 04-26-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

That footage you saw is VERY famous, but not at all releated to WWII. The firepower and lightness of the M-16 allows for such tactics if the ammo supply is plentiful, but otherwise it isn't an option even for that weapon.

If you put a 98k or M1 up on top of a wall like what you saw, you would likely have it kicked right out of your hands on the first shot. Plus, the 98k is single shot and the M1 only packs 8 rounds. This is not something that is going to make much, if any, of an impression on the enemy.

You *could* do blind shooting with an SMG, but the value of this is dubious at best. Usually there would only be one or two per squad, so the volume of fire would be tiny at even the closest range. Not worth wasting the ammo, I assure you.

The other thing to keep in mind is... who said the tactic you saw used in Vietham was common or effective? I bet it was neither. There are LOTS of examples of tactics like this being an utter waste of ammo.


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I think I agree with Steve here. I could imagine it went something like this:

Camera crew: "Hey GI, mind firing a few shots at the enemy for the camera?"

GI: "You nuts? They might fire back and kill me!"

Camera crew: "PLEASE...."

GI:"OK, but I'll do it like this..."

The rest you saw... wink.gif

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Ya it was the documentary where the journalists were talking to the GIs on TV.

It just dawned on me that the US GIs were using M16s. Your right Steve, I see how M1s would not have the same effect. Thanks.

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