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Minor UI Feature Request

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It would be very nice if there was an "undo" or "revert" command during the orders phase. Fairly frequently I will make a mistake when issuing orders that ends up being irrevocable. Examples: deleting movement paths (you can recreate them, but you incur the C&C delay penalty), shifting artillery targetting (again incurring a targetting delay). If you're playing PBEM you can reload the last email file but then you lose any orders you have already issued for the current turn. Against the computer, I thing you're out of luck unless you've saved at the start of the turn.

If every unit stored its orders at the start of the orders phase, a "revert to original orders" unit command should be easy to implement. This wouldn't affect PBEM file size or change any file formats, either, so I think it should be rather easy to implement.

Yeah, I know, it's a bit late for this. But it's been nagging at me for quite a while and I finally thought to mention it. Maybe it can make it into a patch or failing that, CM2.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Hiya Leland!

As a matter of fact (henceforth abbreviated as AAMOF biggrin.gif) you actually CAN delete movement waypoints, oh yes!

Just press "backspace" and the LAST waypoint will be deleted. No penalties involved as far as I know.

Hope this'll help!

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I understand. What I'm talking about is accidentally deleting the wrong waypoint, or too many waypoints, or waypoints from the wrong unit. Once you've deleted a waypoint, you can't get it back without incurring the "new move order" C&C time penalty, and that's what this feature would address.


Leland J. Tankersley

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I know exactly what you mean. I've had similar problems with shifting arty fires. I want to adjust fire to the most extreme extent possible, and accidentally click just outside it, cancelling the strike and forcing me to wait two minutes for my arty to continue, instead of 30 seconds or so. Not a big deal, but it'd be nice. . .

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