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OT-Ontario Tank Museum

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Thanks for the info went on Saturday afternoon......went through 2 rolls of film.

Luv the panther, too bad they dont paint them up a little more. Field grey, with no national or unit characteristics is a little boring. It was very impressive to see the Sherman mine clearing tank. Not sure if this tank is included or was it the Churchill crab that was included, oh well have to check I guess. Can hardly wait till the Hertzer is fully operational, now that would be a treat!

My friends (fellow CM addicts) had a great time!!

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Yeah, those grey paint jobs on the German stuff are pretty lame. Wonder who's brainchild that was? smile.gif

Ah well, Saturday was a fine day for it, that's for sure.


When I die I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car

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"Yeah, those grey paint jobs on the German stuff are pretty lame"

I guess most people (including me)have trouble with the markings of the Germans emblazoned on anything. But it would be nice if the atleast put a camo job on it.

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I agree, but at least maybe a german cross, certainly not any Nazi crap or anything. I think it would be an insult to some of the dead tankers buried/cremated there to have any waffen SS stuff/markings on the grounds. I think the flak tank...hmm labled Oswind (sp??) should have been a Whirlwind(sp) as it had the quad 20's.....I think anyways.

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