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You wouldn't be able to play beta movies with the old beta demo anyways.

If you could we would have posted some but until someone gets us a Camera capture utility which allows us to make movies in-game in .mov or .mpg format there's nothing we can do.

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Unless I'm not fully awake, Fionn seems to be kinda "cagey" in his response. He talks about how they can't seem to make movies in a standard format using third-party tools, which might suggest that the game doesn't have this feature.

But, since he doesn't actually say anything about the feature itself, one could get the impression that this feature is in, it's just that they can't put "MOTD's" biggrin.gif on TGN because you'd need a current build of the game to see them. (Possibly suggesting that the game uses its own format.)

Probly flawed logic, but kinda of fun trying to read between the lines in the absence of a direct answer.

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LOL> Not being cagey just being pre-occupied trying to get a bloody movie you could all watch.

I can say that:

1. You all could NOT view any movies we make since the beta demo is such OLD code the file format has been changed since then.

2. Currently we can't view movies of turns in non-PBEM games frown.gif

It's something BTS want to add though I know. Hell, some of the stuff I've done against the AI deserves being seen in a movie wink.gif.. There's so much cool stuff we can't show you its frustrating sometimes.

Still, it'll make good surprises for you all when the game comes out wink.gif

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Guest Captain Foobar

Being able to watch the whole battle, without having to load up CM, and view them in 60 sec increments would be so damn hellicool! eek.gif

that would be the absolute best way to bring in newbies...

I believe it would be the best medium to show off what CM can do.If it isn't in the gold, I hope its available later as a patch or something.

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Movies is what you want eh!!! That movies is what you shall recieve!! Make sure to stop by the COmbat Mission club at around 9:00 EST for a little announcment about my site. Of course what I have is just a small beggining but you have to start somewhere!



Visit my webpage!


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