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Sell a copy of CM to anyone in Germany

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Hello fellows, I wasn't sure if I ordered a copy back in 1999 so I ordered again in May 2000. And what can I say, today the mailman delivered actually two copies of CM. So I ask if anyone living in Germany too, has some use for a second copy, still in original package of course. Pleas e mail me if you live in Germany and want my second copy(ThomasSchoepplein@t-online.de).

And by the way, the game is simply the best PC game I ever played. To anyone who have it, enjoy.



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Thank you for the advise. But I already have selled it to a guy in the UK. I could have sold it to 24 different people, to any price.

Of course I don't want't to make profit out of it, so I selled it for the price I payed.

But thanks again for the advice.



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