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WHOO HOO! Member staus!

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It means you made 31 posts. WOO HOO! Great isn't it?? rolleyes.giftongue.gifeek.gifmad.gifbiggrin.gif

Now you get to buy everyone a second copy of CM.

EDIT: Oh figures, Rob/1 chimed in with another misspelling to boot. rolleyes.gif


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]

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Guest Mirage2k

It means you've been indoctrinated into the super-secret society of the UltimateBB (version 5.42) members...your first task will be to get pitch-drunk, find the nearest flagpole, climb it, and balance on the top (on one foot, mind you. No cheating!). If you succeed, you can buy everyone a round of CMs.


[This message has been edited by Mirage2k (edited 06-11-2000).]

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Not at all Maximus, Rob1 was saying that it will "vary little" from Junior Member status. Which is the truth, except for the proven fact that babes really dig Members. Go up to the next girl you see and tell her you're a Combat Mission board Member.



"I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

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I can honestly say that my member is no different now than it was when I had junior member status....except that it is now a few months farther away from the last time it had any (in)decent attentions from my spousal unit. huhuh "unit"


I'm talking and I can't shut up!

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Mirage2k, the analogy goes like this:

Junior Member: Member:: Raving, Slobbering, Lunatic, Gotta Post Something Maniac Member:::

Naturally, I will use no smilies in this post as it is only two away from the illustriuos MrPenguin, whose distaste for the vile, self-fornicating, little beasties is a matter of public record.

NNJ..."F*** all that, we gotta get on with these!"

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OK, got the drunk part, climbed the pole, fell a few times,"See attached medical bills", (JK). hacked maximus's credit card and placed 57,000 orders for CM tongue.gif . Seemed the proper number, being that many post and all.

On to other matters. Any of you fine people that that are in, or find yourself in, The Netherlands, drop me an email and I will indoctrinate you into the real beer drinking world and that is a promise!

Any of you that are in this area please drop me line being that I have 5 machines setup in my computer room for gaming and wold be more than happy to have a few guests for CM duels. biggrin.gif

"Whoa! Wrong book!"

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Hmm...You CAN be a junior member and have made over 160 contributions to the board since October...Astonishing isn't it? wink.gif

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